Chillum cutter

Practical Tube Glass Cutter for Chillums and Adapters

This sturdy tube glass cutter allows bong enthusiasts to easily and safely trim chillums and glass adapters to the desired length.

Simple Use:

  1. Place the chillum or adapter in the cutter at the desired cutting point.
  2. Apply light pressure to the device and rotate the cutting wheel around the glass tube until a slight score line appears.
  3. Remove the chillum or adapter from the cutter, moisten the cutting line (e.g., with saliva), and gently break it by hand.
  4. Smooth the cut edge with sandpaper to eliminate sharp edges.

An essential tool for anyone looking to customize their glass accessories!

  • Material: Metal
  • Dimensions: 75 x 60 x 20 mm

24,90 €
incl. 20% VAT
plus shipping and handling

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