LAMPEN SET Cooltube 125mm 150 Watt up to 400 Watt-ANALOG

LAMPEN SET withCooltube 125mm

Easy assembly!

Cooltube reflectors are ideally suited to significantly reduce the indoor temperature in the grow tent in summer. By integrating the lamp set into the existing exhaust air in the grow tent, the temperature in the grow tent can be reduced by a good 10 Prozent to 20 Prozent. Normally, the cooltube reflectors are integrated directly into the exhaust air circuit of the grow tent. The arrangement is as follows: activated autobon filter, fan & amp; cooltube reflector.

Important: In the picture below you can see that the fan must always be pre-activated in front of the cool tube to avoid damage to the fan (the rotor blades) by the hot air of the sodium vapor lamp.


The Cooltube lamp set can also be connected to a ventilation circuit decoupled from the exhaust air, so that in addition to the actual exhaust air system in the tent you also have your own exhaust air especially for the Cooltube. For this, however, sufficient ventilation holes must be available in the grow tent. Let us advise you directly by phone or on site!

With the right menu bar you can also choose a fan, Alu-Flex hose (in desired length), as well as the number of clamps.

Cooltube set consisting of:

  • 1*Cooltube 125mm reflector
  • Cable set for connecting the lamp (SAS cable set)

+ additionally selectable: Green Force Analog VSG 150Watt + Super HPS 150Watt (flower) (incl. -15 Prozent discount)

+ additionally selectable: Green Force Analog VSG 250Watt + Super HPS 250Watt (flower) (incl. -15 Prozent discount)

+ additionally selectable: Green Force Analog VSG 400Watt + Super HPS 400Watt (flower) (incl. -15 Prozent discount)

You will get an additional -15 Prozent discount on any additional accessories (except the additional accessories) (the discount is already included in the price shown in the right menu bar.)

Note: For the installation of the cool tube in your own tent, there must be sufficient air outlets in the grow tent (at least 2 pieces a 125mm). Alternatively, you can also select the Ducting Flanges 125mm as additional accessories, so that additional exhaust air holes/ventilation openings can be realized in the tent. The Ducting Flange Kits incl. Connector are designed only for 16mm or 19mm rods. Other tent poles sizes and further modifications are within theSpare parts section of Secret JardinWhen purchasing the Ducting Kit + Connector, you should select more meters of hose (at least 3m), as well as a higher number of clamps (at least 3 pieces). For optimal use, we also recommend to select 2x connectors in order to attach a ventilation hose at both the inlet and the air outlet.

Do I need a metal halogen lamp for my set?

Metal halogen lamps, as well as sodium vapor lamps, are among the high-pressure lamps. Unlike sodium vapor lamps, they have an increased proportion of blue light, which makes them particularly suitable for use in growth's. The internode distances of the plant are shortened by the light of the metal halogen lamp, which makes the plant grow more bushier and shoots less into height.

A metal halogen lamp should be used in growth, especially in longer growth phases (e.g. preference from seeds) or the application of various growth optimization methods (e.g. ScroG or Sea of Green). The number of watts should correspond to the selected VSG, if a digital/dimmable VSG's is selected, the strength of the selected MH should correspond to the maximum thickness of the ballast.


Images: (look of the ballast may differ)

Green Force ballast -all sizes-:


Super HPS sodium lamp - all sizes-:



Cooltube 125mm:


SAS cable set (for connecting the lamp):


Please Choose:

Fan, hose or clamps?

Select quantity and specification.

incl. exhaust air?

number of clamps

(2 pieces are recommended):

More accessories are available:


Starting at: 90,00 € 79,90 €Save: 11% off
incl. 20% VAT
plus shipping and handling

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