MARIE - KS Slim Papes and Filtertips


Imagine this: it was a long day. You come home, packed up. And then the realization: you have forgotten something important right now. But don't worry: this cannot happen with the practical combination pack from MARIE. Because the filter tips are already included with the papers. Through the vertical perforation, the filter tips can be used in regular or slim format. And of course, the booklet closes with a practical magnetic closure.

So, sit back and relax roots.

Contains 34 booklets + filter tips per book.


From 26 pieces with -10 Prozent discount!

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ab 26pcs.

per piece ( 1,80 € )
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bulk prices: Quantity discount is added automatically. Price per piece.
QTY 1-2526+
PRICE 2,00 €1,80 €

Starting at: 1,80 €
incl. 20% VAT
plus shipping and handling

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