Wedding Cake - Jungle Boys

Price list:

  • 0 pcs. - 9 pcs.:per piece: ( 10,50 € )
  • 10 pcs. - 24 pcs.:per piece: ( 10,00 € )
  • 25 pcs. - 49 pcs.:per piece: ( 9,50 € )
  • 50 pcs. - 99 pcs.:per piece: ( 9,00 € )
  • 100 pcs. - 299 pcs.:per piece: ( 8,50 € )
  • 300 pcs. - 499 pcs.:per piece: ( 8,00 € )

Quantity discount is automatically added to the shopping autot. Please note that prices may vary according to different tax rates in different delivery countries.


The Wedding Cake Strain, sometimes also known as Pink Cookies, is based on very popular genetics to produce a balanced high and dynamic taste. It is a cross between the sour hybrid variety Cherry Pie and the generally appealing Girl Scout Cookies. And although their taste may vary depending on phenotype, the Wedding Cake does not necessarily taste like a traditional wedding dessert that most have ever tasted. Its profile is rather sour and spicy with just a hint of creaminess. The Wedding Cake Strain is becoming more and more popular due to its balanced effects and has both recreational and medical applications. The Cannabis Test Laboratory Analytical 360 has found that the flowers of this variety contain between 16 and amazing 25 Prozent THC.

This variety is characterized by its very large and colorful flowers. The clumpy, spherical nuggets stick in a dense, indica-typical bud structure, with narrowly wound leaves. The leaves themselves are earthy green to brown. They are covered with orange hair, which are actually stamps that serve to catch pollen from fertilizing male plants. A high concentration of trichomes gives this variety its high THC values as well as an incredibly sticky texture. The buds of the Wedding Cake are as aromatically striking as they are visually impressive.


Strains from the USA are hard to get and are so autoefully selected that they can be located in the premium segment of cannabis varieties. Growroom21 is the first growshop in Austria to provide you with the special and most up-to-date Strains as cuttings. Get a piece of finest USA quality home now!


Variety: Wedding Cake

Breeder: Jungle Boys

Genotype: indica-dominant (80 Prozent Indica & 20 Prozent Sativa)

Crossing: Cherry Pie x Girl Scout Cookies

Flowering time (in weeks): 8-9

THC content: 16-25 Prozent


Flowering phase:


Cut-out -large-:


Related mother plant:

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8,50 €
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7,00 €
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6,00 €

8,50 €
incl. 13% VAT
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